Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wed-I. Welcome to Wagnerian Wednesday! LYRICS.

Gustave Klimt - The Kiss

Mild und Liese - The Liebestod 
Richard Wagner - Tristan und Isolde

After three days in Spain, we head up to Northern Europe, the cold climes: the gloomy, rainy, windy coast of Cornwall where two legendary lovers loved themselves to death: Tristan and Isolde. This is the story about a handsome knight named Tristan whose job is to escort a beautiful betrothed princess named Isolde across the sea to her future husband, the King of Cornwall. Well, you can guess what happened!You can read about the opera and the story in further detail by-clicking-here.

We're in Wagner territory now, the realm of the Wagnerian dramatic soprano. Gone are all the pretty ornaments of Italy, the trills and the showmanship...that art form we call the "aria". Wagner is seriously all about story and the premise of Tristan und Isolde is that ultimate love is only found in death, hence the name of this aria...oops that's a dirty word in Wagnerian vocabulary. This is a piece of Gesamtkunstwerk or music drama It is called dramatic singing; it is not an aria. Wagner did not write arias! Well, that's what Wagner says and what he says and what he does are often at conflict! Sorry, let's start again...

As I was saying, the premise of Tristan und Isolde is that ultimate love is only found in death, hence, the name of called The Liebestod or The Love-Death. It is one of the most demanding pieces to sing for the dramatic soprano. In opera circles, the Liebestod is more often called by the first two words that are sung "Mild und Liese". Performing the Liebestod is akin to a well-seasoned actor who "earns the right" to play King Lear!

Playing the part of Isolde is usually a major milestone for a dramatic soprano, mezzo-soprano, or yes, even contralto. That's right! Wagner was not so concerned about what key the piece was supposed to be sung in. This is not about Italian artifice...this is music drama. It is the power and dramatic quality of the voice that is the most important, contralto, soprano or whatever! Today we are going to listen to some beautiful and interesting performances of the Liebestod. Caveat emptor: one of the recordings is going to be heretical to hardcore Wagner fanatics...I may end up at the stake like our poor Azucena!

One more note. Music critics have hailed the Liebestod as the "peak" or "climax" of Western music. It's not only because the music is an orgasm for the ear (yes, it is, believe me), It is because Wagner pushes Western harmony to the breaking point (the peak, the climax) where nothing can exist thereafter except dissonance.

In other words, the chords go up in fifths (i.e. C major, G major, D major, A major, etc...) like waves washing over the shore until they can hold no more and give you the signal that they are about to release a big power. But no, the waves draw back several times, pounce on you harder, then draw back until they disappear behind the horizon, then hit you with the full force of a mammoth tidal wave of ecstasy that is impossible to describe in words, you're just going to have to experience it yourself. Read the lyrics before you listen to the song.

Here are the lyrics:

Mild und leise, A.K.A. The Liebestod
Isolde's aria from Tristan und Isolde
In German, paired with an English translation

Mild und leise    Mildly and gently, 
wie er lächelt,    how he smiles,
wie das Auge     how the eye
hold er öffnet ---    he opens sweetly ---
Seht ihr's, Freunde?    Do you see it, friends?
Seht ihr's nicht?   Don’t you see it? 
Immer lichter     Brighter and brighter
wie er leuchtet,    how he shines,
stern-umstrahlet    illuminated by stars
hoch sich hebt?    rises high?
Seht ihr's nicht?    Don’t you see it?
Wie das Herz ihm    How his heart
mutig schwillt,    boldly swells, 
voll und hehr     fully and nobly
im Busen ihm quillt?    wells in his breast?
Wie den Lippen,    How from his lips
wonnig mild,     delightfully, mildly,
süßer Atem     sweet breath
sanft entweht ---    softly wafts ---
Freunde! Seht!     Friends! Look!
Fühlt und seht     Don't you feel
ihr's nicht?   and see it?
Hör ich nur    Do I alone
diese Weise,   hear this melody,
die so wundervoll which wonderfully
und leise,   and softly,
Wonne klagend,     lamenting delight,
alles sagend,     telling it all,
mild versöhnend    mildly reconciling
aus ihm tönend,    sounds out of him,
in mich dringet,    invades me,
auf sich schwinget,    swings upwards,
hold erhallend     sweetly resonating
um mich klinget?    rings around me?
Heller schallend,    Sounding more clearly,
mich umwallend ---    wafting around me ---
Sind es Wellen    Are these waves 
sanfter Lüfte?     of soft airs? 
Sind es Wogen     Are these billows
wonniger Düfte?    of delightful fragrances?
Wie sie schwellen,   How they swell, 
mich umrauschen,    how they sough around me,
soll ich atmen,    shall I breathe,
soll ich lauschen?    Shall I listen?
Soll ich schlürfen,    Shall I drink,
untertauchen?     immerse?
Süß in Düften    Sweetly in fragrances 
mich verhauchen?    melt away?
In dem wogenden Schwall,  In the billowing  torrent,
in dem tönenden Schall,   in the resonating sound,
in des Welt-Atems in the wafting universe
wehendem All ---  of the World-Breath
ertrinken,        drown,
versinken ---     be engulfed ---
unbewußt ---    unconscious --- 
höchste Lust!     supreme delight!

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